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Amigaguide Document
364 lines
@database 0013e2b0-0
@master IconConvert.guide
@$VER: 1.2
@author "Peter Liljenberg"
@(c) "1995 Peter Liljenberg"
@remark Created with Heddley v1.1 (c) Edd Dumbill 1994
@node "Main" "IconConvert"
@next "intro"
@{fg shine}IconConvert v1.2@{fg text}
1995 Peter Liljenberg@{ub}
" link "intro" 0} What is it -- and why?
" link "install" 0} Really simple
" link "requirements" 0} An Amiga
" link "legal" 0} The usual stuff
" link "gen_operation" 0} Use the program
" link "workbench_use" 0} Use the mouse
" link "shell_use" 0} Use the keyboard
" link "bugs" 0} Smeg'em
" link "to_do" 0} The future of IconConvert
" link "history" 0} The past of IconConvert
" link "contact" 0} Communicate
GUI created with triton.library Copyright
Stefan Zeiger
@node "intro" "Introduction"
@next "install"
@prev "Main"
Icons makes your Amiga more friendly, but finding a set of icons you
actually like is very difficult. Commodore's (RIP) icons are terribly ugly,
the NewIcon system is a good idea but it is slow and it uses a little too
much memory of my precious kilobytes. I had settled on MacigWB's icons, but
I wasn't happy with its demand for an eight colour screen (every kilobyte is
sacred when you only have 2Mb memory.) So I wrote IconConvert to convert
MagicWB's eight colour icons to four colour ones. Now I'm happy.
IconConvert's task is to convert the images of icons between different
palettes. You can also use it to strip superfluous image planes from icons,
and thus save space and time when opening drawers in the Workbench.
IconConvert converts the icons by changing the colours so that the original
image is kept, even if the new image has fewer image planes or a different
@node "install" "Installation"
@next "requirements"
@prev "intro"
Installation is very simple. Just copy IconConvert wherever you want, and
copy triton.library (in drawer Triton) to LIBS:. You can use the installer
script in the Triton drawer for this.
@node "requirements" "Requirements"
@next "legal"
@prev "install"
* At least OS 2.04+. OS 3.0+ will improve the performance of IconConvert.
* 150 - 200 kb free memory, the more the better.
* Triton library, v3 (release 1.2) or better.
IconConvert has been tested on the following setup:
* A1200, 020, 2Mb chipmem, 85 Mb hard disk, OS 3.0, with MungWall running.
@node "legal" "Legal Stuff"
@next "gen_operation"
@prev "requirements"
Legal Stuff
IconConvert is FreeWare. You can distribute the unmodified archive freely as
long as you don't charge more than a nominal fee, say $5.
@{b}The author takes no responsibility for any damage or loss of data caused by
use of IconConvert. Use of IconConvert is at the user's own risk.@{ub}
IconConvert is Copyright
1995 Peter Liljenberg. All rights reserved.
Triton is Copyright
Stefan Ziegel.
@node "gen_operation" "General Use"
@next "workbench_use"
@prev "legal"
General Use
You choose one or more icons (files ending with ".info") or directories. You
must also have an in palette and an out palette, either the Workbench screen
palette or a palette from an ILBM file.
IconConvert will by default use the Workbench screen palette for both
palettes. Note: If the in palette has fewer colours (smaller image depth)
than the icons you want to convert, IconConvert can't convert correctly
since it won't consider the colours it hasn't information for.
Now will IconConvert work out how to convert colours between the palettes,
and then convert all choosen icons and the icons in the choosen directories.
The icons in all subdirectories can also be converted, if specified.
The new icons will replace the old, if you don't specify that IconConvert
should backup the originals. If you do, IconConvert will save the old icons
with the extension ".oldinfo".
@node "workbench_use" "Workbench Use"
@next "shell_use"
@prev "gen_operation"
Workbench Use
Double click on IconConvert to start. You can choose icons and directories
at the start by clicking once on IconConvert, and then shift click (hold
down shift and click) on icons and drawers, and then double click on the
last icon/drawer to start IconConvert. You can also drop icons and drawers
on the main window -- it's an AppWindow. You can define which palettes to
use and some of the options with the @{"tooltypes" link "tooltypes" 0} in the program icon.
Now two windows will be opened. The main window and the conversion settings
window" link "main_win" 0}
window" link "conv_win" 0}
window" link "palette_win" 0}
window" link "convmap_win" 0}
window" link "progress_win" 0}
@node "tooltypes" "ToolTypes"
@next "main_win"
@prev "workbench_use"
By defining tooltypes in the program's icon you can change the default
settings at startup.
INPAL -- Use the palette in the specified ILBM file as in palette. It
is a good idea to use "ENV:Sys/palette.ilbm" here. It has 16
colours, so if you once have had MagicWB the first eight
colours will be MagicWB's which makes it easy to convert
MagicWB icons to four colours when you have a four colour
OUTPAL -- Use the palette in the specified ILBM file as out palette.
DEPTH -- The depth of the resulting icons. Must be within 1 to 8.
ALL -- Convert icons in subdirectories to choosen directories.
SAVEOLD -- Backup the old icons with the extension ".oldinfo".
DIRICONS -- Add the drawer icons to chosen directories.
@node "main_win" "Main Window"
@next "conv_win"
@prev "workbench_use"
Main Window
Icons -- A listview gadget showing all choosen icons and dirs. You
can use the cursor keys to scroll the list.
Add -- Click on the button to add icons to icon list. A file
requester opens where you can choose icons. Shiftclick to
choose more than one icon.
Add Dir -- Add a directory to the list. Choose the directory in the
Remove -- Remove the selected icon/directory from the list.
Add Drawer Icons -- When you add a dir it's drawer icon will be added
to the list too, if set.
Convert -- Start conversion.
Add -- See above.
Add Dir -- See above.
Remove -- See above.
Remove All -- Remove all icons/directories from the list.
Convert -- See above.
About -- Pop up a requester with some information.
Quit -- Quit IconConvert.
Edit In Palette -- Open in @{"palette
window" link "palette_win" 0}.
Edit Out Palette -- Open out @{"palette
window" link "palette_win" 0}.
Drop icons and drawers on the window to add them to the list.
Clicking on the close gadget will quit IconConvert.
@node "conv_win" "Conversion Settings Window"
@next "palette_win"
@prev "main_win"
Conversion Settings Window
Show Conv. Map -- Show @{"conversion
window" link "convmap_win" 0} before conversion,
allowing you to alter it.
Enter Subdirs -- Convert icons in subdirectories to choosen
Save old icons -- Save the old icons with the extension ".oldinfo",
otherwise delete them.
Depth -- The image depth of resulting icons.
Same as the menus in the @{"main
window" link "main_win" 0}.
Clicking on the close gadget will quit IconConvert.
@node "palette_win" "Palette Window"
@next "convmap_win"
@prev "conv_win"
Palette Windows
Palette -- A list of all colours in the palette, in the form
"n: r, g, b" where n is the colour number, and r, g, and b
are the red, green and blue values for the colour. You can
scroll in the list with the cursor keys.
Colour -- The currently selected colour.
Red -- The red value of the selected colour.
Green -- The green value...
Blue -- The blue value...
Load Palette -- Load the palette from an ILBM file, which you
choose in the file requester.
Get Screen Palette -- Get the Workbench screen palette.
Change Depth -- Change the depth of the palette. A requester is
opened. Set the new depth with the slider.
Clicking on the close gadget will close the palette window.
@node "convmap_win" "Conversion Map Window"
@next "progress_win"
@prev "palette_win"
Conversion Map Window
List -- A list of the conversion map in the form "x -> y" where x is
the colour in the in palette, and y is the colour in the out
palette x will be converted to. You can scroll in the list
with the up and down cursor keys.
Slider -- With this you can change y. You can use the left and right
cursor keys to set y.
OK -- Your conversion map will be used, and the conversion will
Cancel -- The old conversion map will be used, and the conversion will
Abort Conversion -- Abort the conversion and quit IconConvert.
@node "progress_win" "Progress Window"
@next "shell_use"
@prev "convmap_win"
Progress Window
Text box -- Displays the icon which is being converted.
Progress -- Displays how many icons that has been converted.
Cancel -- Abort conversion and quit IconConvert.
@node "shell_use" "Shell Use"
@next "bugs"
@prev "workbench_use"
Shell Use
The argument template:
ICON -- Icons and directories with icons to be converted. Directories
must end in a '/', but icons doesn't have to end in '.info'.
INPAL -- Load this ILBM file's palette as in palette. If not specified
use the Workbench screen palette.
OUTPAL -- Load this ILBM file's palette as out palette. If not specified
use the Workbench screen palette.
DEPTH -- The resulting icons' image depth. If not specified use the
depth of the out palette.
ALL -- Convert icons in subdirectories to directories specified with
SAVEOLD -- Save the old icons with the extension ".oldinfo", otherwise
delete them.
DIRICONS -- Add the icons to the directories to the list.
QUIET -- Don't output the icons being converted.
GUI -- Open the @{"GUI
interface" link "workbench_use" 0} with the settings from the command
IconConvert can be made resident.
@node "bugs" "Bugs"
@next "to_do"
@prev "shell_use"
It's not a real bug, but if IconConvert runs out of memory when adding icons
to the list or during conversion, it will just skip this icon without
notifying the user. The problem is that if IconConvert can't allocate a few
hundred bytes, there isn't enough free memory to pop up a requester saying
this, and I don't think this situation is serious enough to use an alert.
@node "to_do" "To Do"
@next "history"
@prev "bugs"
To Do
* Improve colour conversion. Maybe an option to produce dithered colours?
* Open a screen, so IconConvert can show the colours instead of just the
red/green/blue values in the @{"palette
windows" link "palette_win" 0}.
* On line help.
* Localization.
@node "history" "Version History"
@next "contact"
@prev "to_do"
Version History
**** 1.2 (1 Dec. 1995) ****
New features:
* Added @{"tooltypes" link "tooltypes" 0}.
* Now will drawer icons be included to the list when you add a drawer to
* The @{"main
window" link "main_win" 0} menus are now menus to the @{"conversion
settings" link "conv_win" 0} window
**** 1.1 (8 Nov. 1995) ****
This is so embarrassing -- obviously I hadn't bug tested IconConvert enough.
I also forgot to document the @{"AppWindow
function" link "workbench_use" 0}, but that's alright because
it didn't work anyway...
Bug fixes:
* Icons dropped on the main window or choosed at start from the Workbench
had the wrong path (drawers were alright though.)
* Memory loss in the colour conversion routine.
**** 1.0 (3 Nov. 1995) ****
Initital release.
@node "contact" "Contacting the Author"
@next "Main"
@prev "history"
Contacting the Author
I'd be glad to hear from you -- bugs, ideas, constructive criticism,
My address is:
Peter Liljenberg
Tjureda 823 B
S-360 40 Rottne
This address should be valid until July 1996.
dan.eriksson@vxjkatedral.se (lipnv3c, Peter Liljenberg)
N.B. Don't forget the part in the brackets, remember at least 'lipnv3c'.
This address may change in January 1996, and is definitly not valid after
May 1996.